Have you ever been mesmerized by someone or something? On this page you will
find where that term came from and why it is used today.
Ancient Egyptians documented use of hypnosis in their hieroglyphic as long as 3,000
years ago. There has also been evidence that the ancient Greeks, the Mayas of South America, Hindu Fakirs, Chinese religious
teachers, Perdian magi, Celtic Druids and African witch doctors all used hypnosis.
Hypnosis is somewhat of a mystery today because knowledge was jealously guarded by
witch doctors, shamans, and so on. Society was not as well informed as it is today. We also fear and ridicule
things we don't understand, so hypnosis was forced "underground" for quite some time.
Many people have studied hypnotism and used it throughout the ages. Until recent
times it was considered magic. Anton Mesmer, sometimes called the Father of Hypnosis, brought hypnosis to the forefront.
That is why we say we are mesmerized. Without Mr. Mesmer, we would not have that descriptive word.
James Esdaile, Dave Elman, John Elliotson and Milton Erickson, M.D., to name
a few, all helped to bring hypnosis out of the magical realm and into the practical realm. You may know some or all
of these names.
In the 1800's, Dr. Esdaile took hypnosis further than anyone imagined. While
in India, he performed thousands of surgical procedures, including 300 major procedures, painlessly. He helped his patients
remove the post-op shock, taking the mortality rate from 50% down to 8%. Some even say as little as a 5% mortality rate.
He was able to do the procedures and improve the mortality rate all through hypnosis.
Today we have hypnosis alone or the art of hypnotherapy available to us. Hypnotherapy
has long lasting results, where hypnosis alone is more short term, or considered band aid therapy. Hypnosis gives suggestions
only. Hypnotherapy addresses the original cause of the behavior. Once the original cause is found, it can be dealt
with and the client is in total control, not the behavior.
Only a well trained person should practice the art of hypnotherapy. There are
weekend courses available and when the 2 days are completed, the person has a certificate. How well can they really
help their clients after a 2 day seminar?
A well trained professional has completed an intensive training course learning not
only hypnosis, but the art of hypnotherapy, as well. This person is likely spend more time with the client, learning
all they can before the hypnotherapy ever starts, to ensure results.
The art of teaching hypnotherapy is as important as learning the art. A well
trained instructor has had the intensive course and has practiced for at least 2 years, seeing many clients with
a broad variety of issues addressed.
Both the hypnotherapist and the instructor follow up each year
with ongoing education.