It is an abnormal and persistent fear of, or dread of something.
Some phobias sound funny, but if you are suffering any phobia, it is not funny. It holds you back from
living a healthy, well balanced life.
Here is a partial list of phobias. There are many, many more. I will help you find the source of your
phobia & release you from the fear and dread of it or them.
1. Ablutophobia: Washing or bathing.
2. Algophobia: Pain.
3. Alliumphobia: Garlic.
4. Ankylophobia: Immobility of a joint.
5. Arachilbutlphobia: Peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth.
6. Bogyphobia: Bogeys or the bogeyman.
7. Chaetophobia: Hair.
8. Chrometophobia: Money.
9. Coulrophobia: Clowns.
10. Dendraphobia: Trees
11. Dextrophobia: Objects at the right side of the body.
12. Ecophobia: Home.
13. Euphobia: Good news.
14. Frigophobia: Cold or cold things.
15. Geliophobia: Laughter.
16. Heliophobia: The sun.
17. Hypnophobia: Sleep or being hypnotized.
18. Iatrophobia: Doctors or goiing to the doctor.
19. Kathisophobia: Sitting down.
20. Leukophobia: The color white.
21. Logophobia: Words.
22. Melophobia: Fear or hatred of music.
23. Mnemophobia: Memories.
24. Myxophobia: Slime.
25. Nebulaphobia: Fog.
26. Nyctophobia: The dark of the night.
27. Ombrophobia: Being rained on.
28. Ouranophobia: Heaven.
29. Phobophobia: Phobias.
30. Politicophobia: Politicians.
31. Pteronophobia: Tickled by feathers.
32. Pupaphobia: Puppets.
33. Rhabdophobia: Being severely beaten by a rod, severely punished or criticized; Fear of a magic
34. Sciophobia: Shadows.
35. Scoleciphobia: Worms.
36. Scriptophobia: Writing in public.
37. Selenophobia: The moon.
38. Siderodromophobia: Trains, train travel and railroads.
39. Siderphobia: Stars
40. Spacephobia: Outer space
41. Stygiophobia: Hell.
42. Syngenesophobia: Relatives
43. Taphenphobia: Being buried alive; Cemetaries.
44. Taurophobia: Bulls
45. Technophobia: Technology.
46. Thalassophobia: The sea.
47. Theophobia: Gods or religion.
48. Tomophobvia: Suergical operations.
49. Tonitrophobia: Thunder.
50. Tropophobia: Moving or making changes.
51. Uranophobia: Heaven.
52. Venustraphobia: Beautiful women.
53. Verminophobia: Germs.
54. Vestiphobia: Clothes
55. Walloonphobia: Walloons.
56. Xenophobia: Strangers or foreigners; Aliens.
57. Xylophobia: Wooden objects; Forests.
58. Xyrophobia: Razors.
59. Zelophobia: Jealousy.
60. Zemmiphobia: The great mole rat.