Stop Smoking CD
Regular CD
I have made this CD so you can achieve your stop smoking goal. It includes the induction, benefits
of not smoking, post hypnotic suggestions to use any time you feel the urge to light up, post hypnotic suggestions to lessen
the withdrawl effects, post hypnotic suggestions on how to manage stress (stress is a trigger for you to light up), and confidence
boosters to help you even further in achieving your stop smoking goals.
You will return to your awakened state refreshed, relaxed and feeling confident you will achieve
your goal of not smoking. You will be able to be calm in the face any stress in your life, which increases your ability
to be a happy non smoker.
Confidence Booster with Stress Management
Regular CD
This CD will show you how to manage stress so you are more confident in your personal and
professional life. It includes the induction and suggestions to help you manage your stress level, dramatically reducing
it. This is combined with suggestions designed to improve your self confidence, enabling you to face each day with confidence,
harmony and happiness. Used together, the stress management and the confidence booster give you that edge you need to
succeed in your personal life, your professional life and achieving your goals. You will return to your awakened state
relaxed and confident in yourself.
Weight Loss CD
Regular CD
I have made this CD so you can achieve your goal of losing that extra weight. It includes the
induction, benefits of having your ideal weight (you choose your ideal weight), post hypnotic suggestions to use any
time you feel the urge to snack, over eat or eat excessive junk food, post hypnotic suggestions on how to manage stress
(stress is a trigger for over eating), and confidence boosters to help you even further in achieving your weight loss goals.
You will return to your awakened state refreshed, relaxed and feeling confident
you will achieve your goal of having your ideal weight. You will be able to be calm in the face any stress in your life,
which increases your ability to be a happy, healthy person! |